South East

Regional Structure

Click here for more information on the regional structure.

National Project

The South East region has chosen Transplant First as its Quality Improvement Project.


In February and March 2020, all three regions participated in a process mapping exercise, to identify blockages and delays in the systems. East Kent hospital (Canterbury) held a larger event, and the report can be found here. The next step will be for the region to meet to look at each process map and decide common themes and next steps.

3rd December 2019 – KQuIP South East – Are You Ready for Change and Putting Leadership into Action Workshop

The leadership event was to define the aim of the project, as well as clarifying roles and responsibilities and deciding on next steps. A news letter summarising the day can be found here

24th – 26th June 2019– Regional day

The regional day was held during UK Kidney Week 2019. A newsletter summarising the day can be found here.