Dukes Activity Status Index (DASI)

This is a measurement tool that the Measurement and Understanding workstream have identified as relevant for use in quality improvement projects within the renal setting. We have included information on this measurement tool, and where possible, attached the tool and further information related to its use. Please feel free to download any of the information on this tool below.

If you have any queries about the use of this tool please contact the chair of the Measurement and Understanding workstream via Katie.Fielding@nhs.net. We’d also love to hear from you, if you have used this information in a quality improvement project.

Katie Fielding has also produced a blog providing further information on a number of other useful measurement tools recommended by the Measurement and Understanding workstream available on the KQuIP hub here.

Dukes Activity Status Index (DASI) – This provides a simple questionnaire for patients to complete that reflects their physical function. The DASI score can be used to assess quality improvement interventions designed to improve patients’ functional capacity or increase their level of activity. You can see an example of how this has been used in Katie’s blog here. See the below proforma for further information on the Dukes Activity Status Index (DASI).