Story telling

Stories convey not just information but meaning and tacit knowledge as the information they contain that is seamlessly incorporated into the story is context. Stories for this reason have been a powerful tool throughout ages to pass on chunks of knowledge as they are easy to make sense of, retain and pass on.

Stories are effective in sparking insights as listeners react to stories differently: although they are told within their own context, listeners make linkages with their own context and interpret the messages that have meaning and insights to their own situations. At the simplest level, consider parables, fables, tales or children’s stories that have very clear messages embedded that are aimed to be universally meaningful in different contexts.

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Story Telling

This resource is from the NHS Scotland Quality Improvement HUB

On this website you will find quality improvement topics, tools, case studies, news, current awareness bulletins, and access to the evidence base provided via Evidence into Practice and Health Improvement Evidence.

The Quality Improvement Hub website provides a range of resources to support organisations to improve the quality of healthcare. These Quality Improvement topics cover a range of subjects that are relevant to delivering quality improvement.