The Patient Reported Experience Measure has been extended

The online PREM survey is now open until 31st August 2017

The Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM), an annual survey open to all adult renal patients in England and Wales, has been extended this year.  Patients wishing to fill out the survey online can now do so until the 31st August 2017. We hope this will enable greater numbers of patients to take part, making the data more representative of the renal patient population and giving as many patients a voice as possible.  The survey is available in four languages – English, Welsh, Urdu and Gujarati.

Please note that you should only fill out the online PREM if you have not yet completed a paper version of the survey at your renal unit. You should only complete one PREM survey per year.

The UK Renal Registry has had a fantastic response so far, having received nearly 4,000 surveys back already from renal patients across the country.  We are on track to exceed the response rate last year of 8,000 by the deadline at the end of the month.

What renal units learn from the survey will help them to see where they can do better as well as understand what’s working well.  Covering themes from support, communication, transport and information, the survey is giving people living with kidney disease a chance to speak out about, and shape, their experience of care.

Has your renal unit taken part in the survey this year?  Please do give us feedback! Let us know your thoughts on the ease, organisation, content or any other aspect of the PREM survey 2017 by emailing  All feedback will be compiled and taken into account when planning the PREM survey in the coming years.