TP-CKD Cohort 1 Workshops

Rachel Gair, Person Centred Care Facilitator for the TP-CKD Programme, is arranging workshops with units in Cohort 1 over the next couple of months.  We hope these workshops will give units an opportunity to discuss the challenges and successes you have experienced whilst implementing the Your Health Surveys.

The workshops can be tailor-made to suit the needs of your unit – they can be education sessions to engage the team, sessions with frontline staff, sessions for patients or sessions on how to use PAM in practice to aid changes in conversations. Please get in touch with Rachel at to let her know what your unit would like to focus on, and to book in your half-day.

The aims of the workshops are to:

  • Facilitate and support units to develop and understand their response to PAM/PROM & CS-PAM data
  • Help determine how renal teams can use their data to begin to change behaviour and conversations at individual, unit and potentially organisational level
  • Test the feasibility of the Intervention toolkit against agreed criteria
  • Look at possible ways and feasibility of using interventions on a small scale and in a planned way to help improve activation and the knowledge, skills and confidence of patients and staff
  • Develop an action plan for the unit for spread and sustainability – and to agree when to re-survey and address gaps in data
  • Gather feedback from renal teams on the process of implementing Your Health surveys and how it could be improved for future cohorts
Item and Times Outline Programme of the Day
1 hour Data Sharing

Presentation from Renal Unit on the PAM / PROM / CS-PAM data to the TP-CKD Team. The TP-CKD team will have seen the data and it is hoped this will generate discussion without judgement

Facilitation / discussion about the results and opportunities for using the data

Develop action points to address some of the gaps highlighted in the reports and discuss different and innovative ways of working

Focus group work – Gain qualitative data from the unit team regarding co-production, implementation of surveys, engagement of wider team and feasibility of doing this

1 hour Interventions

Using the Interventions Toolkit to look at ways the Unit could introduce the recommended interventions (and others) in their practice and how this might be measured

1 hour  2 x 3 month plan / 30-60-90 day plan

TP-CKD to support Renal Units in developing a plan for phase 2 of the programme – spread and sustainability

How will patients be resurveyed

How will new patients be brought into the programme