Archived Content Notice – This site is no longer being updated or maintained.

Archived Content Notice You are currently accessing the Think Kidneys website. Please be aware that this site is an archive and contains content from the Think Kidneys project, which concluded in 2019. As a result, the information presented here is no longer being updated or maintained. For the most current and relevant information, we encourage medical professionals to visit the UK Kidney Association for comprehensive resources…

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Archived Content Notice – This site is no longer being updated or maintained.

Archived Content Notice You are currently accessing the Think Kidneys website. Please be aware that this site is an archive and contains content from the Think Kidneys project, which concluded in 2019. As a result, the information presented here is no longer being updated or maintained. For the most current and relevant information, we encourage medical professionals to visit the UK Kidney Association for comprehensive resources…

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Archived Content Notice

Archived Content Notice You are currently accessing the Think Kidneys website. Please be aware that this site is an archive and contains content from the Think Kidneys project, which concluded in 2019. As a result, the information presented here is no longer being updated or maintained. For the most current and relevant information, we encourage medical professionals to visit the UK Kidney Association for comprehensive resources…

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COVID-19 ACE Inhibitor statement

The Renal Association has released a position statement on COVID-19 and ACE Inhibitor/Angiotensin Receptor Blocker use.  A version for patients is also available. 

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