Archived Content Notice – This site is no longer being updated or maintained.

Archived Content Notice You are currently accessing the Think Kidneys website. Please be aware that this site is an archive and contains content from the Think Kidneys project, which concluded in 2019. As a result, the information presented here is no longer being updated or maintained. For the most current and relevant information, we encourage medical professionals to visit the UK Kidney Association for comprehensive resources…

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Archived Content Notice – This site is no longer being updated or maintained.

Archived Content Notice You are currently accessing the Think Kidneys website. Please be aware that this site is an archive and contains content from the Think Kidneys project, which concluded in 2019. As a result, the information presented here is no longer being updated or maintained. For the most current and relevant information, we encourage medical professionals to visit the UK Kidney Association for comprehensive resources…

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Archived Content Notice

Archived Content Notice You are currently accessing the Think Kidneys website. Please be aware that this site is an archive and contains content from the Think Kidneys project, which concluded in 2019. As a result, the information presented here is no longer being updated or maintained. For the most current and relevant information, we encourage medical professionals to visit the UK Kidney Association for comprehensive resources…

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Think Kidneys AKI Programme Newsletter April 2017

Not quite over and out… After more than three years, the national Think Kidneys Acute Kidney Injury programme, established to improve the care of people with, or at risk of AKI, has concluded its main body of work, formally closes at the end of March. Read the full newsletter here:  

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